Ask The Midwife

Jesica Dolin gives tips and helpful hints on pregnancy, birth, babies and all things midwife.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Morning Sickness? It's so GOOD for you!

No one likes vomiting. And really, nothing will change that - but understanding the reasons why it is a good thing can make those urgent trips to worship to the porcelin goddess a bit more sensible.

The Good:
1. In a not-so-recent, but very good, study, Cornell University researchers found that morning sickness is nature's way of protecting the baby.
2. Morning sickness indicates high hCG (IE: main early pregnancy hormone) levels, which means you are less likely to miscarriage.
3. It will pass: By 12 weeks, most women find their symptoms decreasing in frequency and intensity. By 16-18 weeks, very few women have any symptoms left at all. (Those who do may have a condition called hyperemesis gravidarum.)

"Great," you say, "so it's good for me. But I want it GONE."

For that, stay turned tomorrow for Part 2...


Anonymous Deborah said...

Wow. Thanks to your site, I have discovered, thirty years after the fact, that I likely had hyperemesis gravidarum with my first pregnancy. I knew it was serious and was not impressed with the dismissal of the doctor. I had all of the signs of serious HG and met many of the risk factors! This is important information I will pass on to my (now adult) child. Thank you!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012 6:15:00 PM  

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