RhoGam Q & A
This is old news! Please read my more recent post on RhoGam!
Q: I am 28 weeks pregnant and I got the RhIg injection. I had a miscarriage 2 years ago and didn't know anything about this. I was wondering, is there anyway to tell if I have become Rh sensitized? - K.C.
A: Depending on how far along you were at the time of your miscarriage, you may or may not have been at risk to be sensitized. Women who have miscarriages earlier than 8 weeks are considered not at risk for sensitization. (Rh negative women who have abortions after 8 weeks gestation should also receive RhoGam injections.)
Checking for antibodies (sensitization) is a routine part of the prenatal bloodwork that I run, and likely a routine part of the bloodwork your care provider ran on you. Verify with your midwife/doc that they screened for antibodies, but most likely they already have and you didn't hear about it because no antibodies were found.
For more on RhoGam, see my more complete explanation of it from last month.
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