Q & A: Why Do I Have To Eat So Much Protein?
Q: Why is it so important to consume high levels of protein while
pregnant? Alos, is it safer and or healthier to eat plant protein versus
A: Proteins are a basic building block of humans - both moms and babies. Some of their uses during pregnancy are: formation of hormones, enzymes, and antibodies; maintainance of the body's ph levels; building new blood (the amount of blood in your body increases by half during pregnancy!); and...there was something else....oh!....building the baby. :) There is also a belief by some, myself included, that sufficient protein can prevent pre-ecclampsia (scroll down to August 23rd for more on that).
I suggest that women consume whatever works for them during the first trimester, as many are battling morning sickness and food aversions. Once that phase has past, I recommend 60-80 grams of protein per day until around 20 weeks. At 20 weeks, I then recommend 80-100 grams per day till the baby is born.
The question of plant vs. animal is a tricky one. Plant is certainly safer...there is no Mad Soybean Disease. However, the chances of getting any of the diseases from animal food are statistically very low when compared with the risks we take on a daily basis, such as riding a bike or driving a car.
Concentrations of mercury in fish can cause serious fetal damage, as mercury easily crosses the placenta. The link will give the details, but the general rules are: 1. The bigger the fish, the more time it will have had to absorb mercury, and the higher the concentration will be. 2. Moderation is the key.
Of the amino acids needed by the body through food, plant sources are often deficient in one or two. By combining plant sources, you can easily get everything needed. And don't let the word combine lead you astray - the combination need not take place at the same meal.
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